Asset Store Packages
LISCINTEC developed shaders to visualize volumetric data sets (three dimensional textures, e.g. MRI scans, CT scans or microscopy slices) in 3D using volume ray casting. Our shaders are available on the Unity Asset Store.
Volume ray casting creates a projection of volumetric data. Subsequently, the projection is blended on top of the final camera image. When creating the projection, the depth of opaque objects in the scene is taken into account to create the illusion that they can obstruct the view of volume objects. If multiple volume objects are to be rendered by the same camera, multiple such projections are made – each one made of only one volume object – and blended on top of the final camera image in the order of their depth to the camera (from furthest to closest) to abide by their relative positions in scene space. If voxels of volume objects would intersect with the mesh of an object that has the CullingMaterial on it, they are excluded from the projection. This effect can also be inverted, so that only voxels that intersect with a culling object are projected onto the camera’s image.

Volume Viewer Pro
Volume Viewer Pro visualizes volumetric data (e.g. Texture3D assets) in real time using volume ray casting (aka volumetric ray tracing or volume ray marching). Volume Viewer Pro can render any kind of scalar or RGBA data that can be expressed as a three dimensional array, including MRI and CT scans as well as microscopy slices. It can be set up in less than a minute and is easy to use.
Prominent features:
– supports rendering of multiple volumes.
– supports rendering on multiple cameras.
– opaque objects obscure volumes.
– 1D or 2D transfer function for volumes.
– overlays to highlight regions of interest.
– 1D transfer function for overlays to differentiate regions.
– Blinn Phong shading for light interactions.
– 2D TF for custom light models.
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